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install the package

npm install -g @samagra-x/stencil-cli


The alias for the nest-cli has been changed to stencil. So, all the commands available with the nest-cli are available.

Bootstrap a new project

stencil new app-name

Options available while bootstrapping a project

In addition to the standard options included, the extra options available are:

  • prisma : This is a required option with yes/no as acceptable options. On checking this option, the cli does the following tasks-

    • installs the prisma module and @prisma/client library
    • runs the npx prisma init command to generate a standard schema.prisma file
    • Creates the prisma.service.ts file and imports PrismaService in the app.module.ts
    • Adds a sample User model to the schema.prisma file
    • Runs npx prisma generate command to generate the TypeScript types
  • user-service : This is a required option with yes/no as acceptable options. On checking this option, the cli does the following tasks-

    • installs the @techsavvyash/user-service library
    • adds an import statement to app.module.ts file import { user } from '@techsavvyash/user-service';.
    • additionally, in the app.module.ts file, it adds an import of user.UserModule to the imports array

Additional tasks performed by the cli

If use dont have dry-run enabled, then the cli generates Fixture files

In this, the cli does the following:

  • Runs the npx husky install command
  • Generates the pre-commit file in ./husky folder
  • Genrates all the docker related files and the the .sh files required by husky
  • Generates the .github folder with ISSUE_TEMPLATE and workflows sub-directories
  • Generates the .devcontainer folder with devcontainer.json file

Future Scope

  • Integrate nestjs-monitor as an npm package
  • Logging with axiom and ELK-stack