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Add New Input

To add a new element type to the renderFormElement function within a dynamic form system that uses a hierarchical configuration syntax, follow these steps. This guide will illustrate adding a hypothetical DatePickerInput element.

Step 1: Define the New Input Component

If the new element type (DatePickerInput) does not exist, create this component first. This component allows users to select dates.

// DatePickerInput.js

import * as React from 'react';

const DatePickerInput = ({ source, label, defaultValue }) => {
const [value, setValue] = React.useState(defaultValue);

const handleChange = (event) => {

return (
<label htmlFor={source}>{label}</label>
<input type="date" id={source} name={source} value={value} onChange={handleChange} />

Step 2: Extend the renderFormElement Function

Modify the renderFormElement to accommodate the new input type. Add a case for handling the DatePickerInput in the function's logic.

const renderSimpleElement = (config) => {
switch (config.componentType) {
// Existing cases...

case 'datePicker':
return <DatePickerInput source={config.key} label={config.key} defaultValue={config.defaultValue} />;

// Other cases remain as is

Step 3: Update the Configuration

Adjust your configuration JSON to include the new DatePickerInput component by setting componentType to "datePicker".

"componentName": "Created Date",
"componentType": "datePicker",
"defaultValue": "28/02/2024",
"isAvailable": true,
"showInAdmin": true,
"props": {
"keyName": "createdAt"