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Config Specification


This documentation outlines a generic schema for defining UI components within an admin panel. It serves as a guideline for adding or modifying components, ensuring a consistent approach to configuration across different types of elements within the application.

Common Properties


  • Type: string
  • Mandatory: Yes
  • Description: The human-readable name of the component, intended for display label in the form.


  • Type: colorpicker | numberInput | selectInput | textInput | multiSelect | molecule
  • Mandatory: Yes
  • Description: Specifies the type of the component, determining its functionality and rendering method. Examples include colorpicker, component, textInput, fileInput.


  • Type: string | object
  • Mandatory: No
  • Description: The default value of the component. The type and format can vary based on the componentType.


  • Type: boolean
  • Mandatory: Yes
  • Description: Determines if the component is available for use within the application.


  • Type: boolean
  • Mandatory: Yes
  • Description: Controls whether the component should be visible and editable through the admin interface.


  • Type: theme | molecule
  • Mandatory: Yes
  • Description: Categorizes the config based on their nature. Where ,theme is used for style related configuration and molecule is used for UI molecule(component).


  • Type: object
  • Mandatory: No
  • Description: Contains additional properties specific to the component.
    • keyName: A unique identifier for the component, used in code.
    • children: An optional array of child components, each following the same schema.

Optional Properties for Child Components


  • Type: array of objects
  • Description: All the nested components can be added through it.

Example Config

"componentName": "Primary Color",
"componentType": "colorpicker",
"defaultValue": "#ffffff",
"isAvailable": true,
"showInAdmin": true,
"category": "theme",
"props": {
"keyName": "primaryColor",
"children": []
"componentName": "Navbar",
"componentType": "molecule",
"defaultValue": "",
"isAvailable": true,
"showInAdmin": true,
"category": "molecule",
"props": {
"keyName": "navbar",
"children": [
"componentType": "textInput",
"componentName": "Brand Name",
"keyName": "brandName",
"defaultValue": "brandName",
"isAvailable": true,
"showInAdmin": true
"componentType": "fileInput",
"componentName": "Right Side Logo",
"keyName": "rightLogo",
"defaultValue": "",
"isAvailable": true,
"showInAdmin": true

Render Config

The above config will result in rendering the below form in the admin panel.


Output JSON

Based on the filled values the result config will look like this,

"theme": {
"primaryColor": {
"value": "#11e477"
"molecule": {
"navbar": {
"brandName": "test bot"